Post by Fëawen on Jul 15, 2009 12:02:15 GMT 1
(07/14/09 - 16:20:25)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
Strength & Loyalty
--== StoryTelling ==--
~ Is weaving tales and wonders ~
: says to ALL:.... long ago there were Dwarves that lived in the caves and did stone work.....the Trolls worked along side of them and then when the time passed they became the final piece of work, but times have changed and the days of loe is coming back and with the appearance of the new fey in the lands the time was now.....Keth, the last of his kind in these mountains awakens by the power of others here.....his time was here again and so he sat up and the earth rumbled....he digs him self out of the cave in the mountains and he yawns and stretches...the earth all around rumbled as his power was of the old ones from before....he had a sledge hammer in hand and he walked to the mouth of the cave and h looked out to the new world before him........
07/14/09 - 16:29:36)
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
Storytelling :
: says to ALL:.... he looked about as he left the place of his slumber...the sun going down now and he looked up and then around.....he stood strong and firm.....each step shook the ground below him as he moved.....he watched the animals move away from him and his earth moving path......he stood tall as a tree and when he looked around he realized it and he shrunk down as far as he could...even his magic could not take him down all the way with out using glamour, and that would be to just hide himself from others and their banality......he was hungry and his appetite wouldnae be denied this day.....he went in search of food....he trapped a deer and cooked it and ate it a in one sitting...when he was done he moved on and sees a lot has changed.....
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
Princess Of The Fa'ae
Born to Queen Maeb & King Auberon
~Breathe In Peace, Breathe Out Love~
--== The Forests of Tír Na nÓg ==--
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *Wooohoooo now now.. easy easy.. The fa'ae placed the hand to the ground and told it to chill out... hmm that was not by the ground itself. Someone or something was coming. Ardhel canted teh head and sat down, the hands gently touched the land.* "Sing to me, tell me the tale" The fa'ae said when communicate with teh land. Ardhel was a creature of land, much like Maeb but that old thing was erm.. oki no bad talk about mom. The fa'ae blinked and let the forest, express what was moving through it, what caused the ground to shiver, the tree to shake. Was this mayhap one of the Troll Kings runners? If so why now.. they knew their job.. had the goblins started again? Hmm nae this was something but not Him*
(07/14/09 - 16:41:06)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ..Tír na nÓg's Misch:.... from beyond the trees walked out the Troll of could feel the magic from him emanating was strong...he stepped from beyond the trees and he looked to you as he came to a stop...he looked down...his eyes were red as the fires of the forge.....he had a giant hammer with him and he stood tall above you....well over 8 feet and more than a half a ton.....he was massive and forbidding...he leans in and he looked to you and he spoke.......Greetings little changeling. You are familiar to me but not.......he stood back up....his voice was regal and it was deep and as massive as he felt your hair move when he spoke.....his true self you knew was way bigger......
(07/14/09 - 16:46:31)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ALL:.... Silwen was out in the forest, the green coolness was soothing to her as always...the ground shook a little under her feet and the Sidhe paused to came again, the faint vibration of something in motion.....A hand, laid to the wizened bark of a tree, a question......The answer came.....*It comes....over there....a creature....Ardhel...* Silwen glided rapidly in the direction indicated , not only curious but a little alarmed, as the Ardhel's name had been mentioned ...
(07/14/09 - 16:54:44)
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *The fa'ae laughed loudly.. changeling.. riiiiight. Ardhels black eyes gazed up at ye big face, the huge body .. aye the fa'ae did see the true ye. As they did see trh true in everything. When ye stepped back Ardhel would slowly rose to stand. Tall was the fa'ae but not as tall as ye, ye hand was probly bigger than the fa'ae chest* "Then what shall be done, mmm familier ye say but yet not.. resting ye have?" *That was the only idea the fa'ae could make of such words ye spoked. Again Ardhel laughed.. changeling.. there was so not anything with Ardhel that was changeling. But ye had just put up with a game*
Silwen: *When ye touched the bark, when the question sweeped throught he forest and a answer was returned.. so was a touch aye yir touch up on that tree was like placing a hand up on Ardhel shoulder.. The fa'ae blinked and smiled, would whisper to ye mmm nae.. there was something beside curiousity about ye.. and the fa'ae felt that like a tickling and would nae say anyhting couse that would make ye more curious and this other thing would grow.. Ardhel grin.. but ye could sense the love from the fa'ae, like rings on water it spread out*
(07/14/09 - 17:03:55)
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ..Tír na nÓg's Misch:.... he looked to you as you looked to him and he heard the laugh and your words and he had to ponder them...he was still sleep but not...the eyes of the forge looked to you and then he shook his head and then he got it....and then it came...the laugh of ages....he laughed deep and thunderous.....animals ran for fear of the storm but none was to come, was just the laugh of the ginat Troll......when he stopped so did the thundering......I shall go back to what I do. Mine....Smith.....Make. My hammer and I will do what we need to and anything we need to to see the job done........but then the giant of a fey frowned as he was lost now and had nothing to do. ...where would he go.......Alas......I’ve not anything to do.......the giant fey sat down and forgot again about the power of his strength and the ground rumbled and shook, but not like when in his true height.........
........he had felt you coming but not from where and so he let you come to be sen by him as he did not look around but more of feel your presence about.......
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ALL:.... Ardhel: Silwen felt the Ardhel's touch just as if she had been standing there , beside her in the forest.....and she moved a bit faster, for the whispering spoke of a creature now, together with the Princess....
,br> Fingon & Miriel: The Sidhe came into a small glade, hugged tightly by a ring of trees ...and there, stood the Ardhel and a giant blue troll....Silwen Cromvathar, the troll caller, was unafraid....a little surprised, for she hadn't known there was a blue troll in this place...but unafraid...and she stepped out into full view, slender form held tall and erect....moving to stand beside the Ardhel, she nods respectfully, and then the silvery eyes turn to the blue one...*Ahhhh...a pretty thing, ye were.....* The thought remained unspoken, but made itself known on her face......*Greetings, blue one*....The words were low and sweet, traveling to yer ears without volume but with power , for Silwen sensed ye were different ...
(07/14/09 - 17:18:17)
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *The thundering laugh from ye made the fa'ae shiver it seem, aye Ardhel stood just before ye so it wasn't so strange. Now this was fun my my a newly waken giant troll* "a mine, smith and make is good well if one is good on such. But ye .. ye look like the right one for the right deed. But now *The fa'ae grin and sat down as ye did, for a game it was now, playful and fun.* "I think a first thing would go and meet the High Court.. ye know.. kind of annonce a presence of yirself.. who would know they might have something for ye too after that. Talk to that Princess and the Queen.. perhaps the King too if he not is out and riding of course" *Familier ye had thoguth Ardhel be, but still not.. and Ardhel thoguth that was fun..
Silwen: *The fa'ae nodded as ye came and would be silent when ye spoked to this great troll. The fa'ae would of course give a nod back as in a greeting to ye then the fa'ae turned its gaze back to this new comer
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you as you came into view of him and he looked to you and he stood up and he stood very tall....taller than all here in this realm you could assume and he leans in and he looked to you and he sensed something in you that almost called to him but he nae knew what it was but it was not a bad thing and so he nodded to you and then stood erect once more as he spoke.......Greetings small one. .....he greeted you back back no power just his voice which was primal within itself as he spoke....but he was waking slowly and not as loud as before...he nods to you as now two stood before him.......
........he looked to you as you spoke and he went over your words to him and he canted his head...the two horns on his head attracted a few birds that landed on them and then flew away as he moved and he laughs some and then looked to you once more and he nods.....Little one, my Presence was known to all as I woke from my slumber, but a meeting with the what I can only assume the Sidhe are still with in power......he said Sidhe he with a bit of disdain as they kept his people as work horses for them but not all were like that but the majority he did not like....there was almost a gutteral growl from him but it was low....but his low was still one of wonder, but he reins it in and he nods to you......I will go and meet them but things will be different this time around........those words held a power in them....the thunder clapped and it was louder than before...and then he nodded....
(07/14/09 - 17:41:10)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ALL:.... Keth: The Silwen listened as ye spoke to the Ardhel, and a slender brow arched as disdain for the Sidhe made itself known in the tones echoing in your voice....and then, the sound of power sent a thrill through the Silwen's small form....for was she not the Troll Caller? She had no fear of you, in her...and recognized you for one of the special ones.....stepping forward now, she moved closer to teh great form, and a lovely blue it was.......and reached to touch you, the tiny hand just brushing over your great leg.......and then, away again, and back to the Ardhel, silvery eyes sparkling up at you like jewels in the cool light......
(07/14/09 - 17:44:11)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ..Tír na nÓg's Misch:.... Silwen moved close to you again, after touching the great blue bulk, and turning to gaze into the black pools, nodded...this was a special one, she thought, the words moving silently between the two....
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *The fa'ae just grin, like Puck did when he was upto something ooh he was always up to something so a grin wouldn't really say anything."wel then I must have been singing deeply for no whisper came to me .. till ye step into this forest" The fa'ae said with that spring clear voice.. Sidhe, Fa'ae, fey, Eternals, Gentry words words Maeb and Auberon watched over teh fa'ae since the the soil was liqude. Ardhel didn't much answer that question, for there was different courts and then the High. "different.. aye the monkeys is nae like when the came to existance, that is mer a dream now. They absolutly have change so there ye will find something different indeed" *the fa'ae said with a laugh as well it was not spoken more than a fun way. But for a moment, a second there Ardhel ponder over different. For Maeb would never change, if that one did change then Annwfn would change. The fa'ae was back and the thought was gone like it never been there.. *"The heart and ye will find them" *The fa'ae said, not telling that Ardhel was who Ardhel was.. just mm it was a game right.. The fa'ae stood and took a few steps back, nodded to ye as in a be well*
Silwen: *The fa'ae nodded to ye too as Ardhel was stepping back toward the thickness of the forest. And so Ardhel seem to emerge with nature vanish into the forest.. perhaps returning to its own element.. the Land of Annwfn.
(07/14/09 - 17:55:07)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you and he noted you coming over to him and touching his leg...tugging at his leg....he was high up and he not really know what you were doing or going to do, but he had no fear of were small, but he knew that could be a flaw in the design but he nae cared as he was always used to Sidhe doing what they wanted and he would speak then......Something I can do for you small one?.........he leans in once more as he asked this........
........he looked to you and he listed as you spoke over the courts and who to see...he cared not he just wanted to do something…,he was awake now and basically jobless..........I will see to them soon little one and hopefully they have something for one such as I......he then looked as you went back and stepped away from the two of us.....
(07/14/09 - 18:05:15)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *What is your name, oh blue creature?* The voice was imperious now...Silwen didn’t like being called small one, and it showed in the tones of her voice as it slipped out to you, the rosy lips pouting just the smallest bit......and just because, she shrugged away the shroud of glamour and appeared to you in her true form, which was much more luminous and much.....taller.......A laugh, and the glamour was back in place, the echo chiming over the glade, bringing a shimmering golden glow to the greens and color of tree and flower...
(07/14/09 - 18:05:15)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *What is your name, oh blue creature?* The voice was imperious now...Silwen didn’t like being called small one, and it showed in the tones of her voice as it slipped out to you, the rosy lips pouting just the smallest bit......and just because, she shrugged away the shroud of glamour and appeared to you in her true form, which was much more luminous and much.....taller.......A laugh, and the glamour was back in place, the echo chiming over the glade, bringing a shimmering golden glow to the greens and color of tree and flower...
(07/14/09 - 18:28:12)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... kicks that here : The Cromvathar was unimpressed at your display of height, and her eyes changed now, shadows rising in the silver, as sweet voice rose once again, drifting up to the great heights of you....*Well then, Troll....dinna call me small one....and i will not take a tone with ye...* A sniff, and then again a smile, which seemed to be something you could draw from her, for she wanted oh-so-very-much to be stern and unsmiling now....she had noted, ye did not tell her your name, and so did not offer her own....
(07/14/09 - 18:40:55)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he then sat down now that that was over and he would lean on a tree but not have it go back due to his strength...he looked to you and he shook his head and thought the Sidhe still arrogant as ever....that will never change it seems......he held out his hand and he watched a bird fly into it.....he grins as he was the gentle giant, but disrespect was not warranted with him....he nods to you and he lets the bird fly away......
(07/14/09 - 18:52:09)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Silwen watched as ye sat, approval flitting over her face as you were careful not to break the tree.....the Sidhe glanced up to the red eyes, gleaming in the shadows beneath the trees, and took a step close again, fascinated...she had never met a troll such as yourself, and could feel the difference in you....and when ye caught the bird in that monstrous hand, then released it unharmed, Silwen moved to stand beside you again, close by, and then...and then...the imperious Sidhe climbed up onto the great knee and settled there, an eldritch smile lighting the sweet face, warming her eyes as she gazed up to your red ones......she did something unheard of now, and told you her name, although not her true one.....*I am Silwen .....* and out of respect, did not ask ye to reveal yours to her...
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you as you moved closer and he did not say anything and then when you came to him and sat upon his knee a grin splayed on his face and he then smiled to you and nodded as you said your name.....he then spoke to you......I am Keth. Well met to you Silwen of the forest. Keth of the Great Forge be me........his right hand made a fist and it was across his heart as he said his name.....
(07/14/09 - 20:35:42)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... There was music in that name, Silwen, hidden deep, and she grinned in return as she answered ye...*Well met indeed, Keth of the great Forge....tell me, if ye like...what is it ye seek here? And do ye know how to make armour, mithril armour even? The Silwen gazed up at you, a slender brow arched quizzically....
(07/14/09 - 20:41:10)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked and he laughed at must be young he thought and he nods........Lady Silwen....I just awoke and now I have nothing to do, and to answer you. I am Keth of the Forge. Like the mighty Hephestus(sp), I can make anything.......he nods to you and like the child like nature it looked like in this scene and he bounced you on his knee...not to insult you but to make you smile.......
(07/14/09 - 20:48:35)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *What! * This...this troll was bouncing her as if she was some ....CHILD. Silwen huffed, then climbed up to stand on you, making her way up the massive thigh to stand with a hand pressed to your chest for balance....she was almost nose to nose with ye, the silver eyes spitting fire.......*I am no child...* 'Twas true, she was young, but she had the dignity and arrogance of her kind, and she knew ye didn't mean it in a bad way, and neither did she...but needed to say it aloud....A snort, and then, the fire turned to mirth, and the Sidhe began to laugh, the sound bewitching, flowing over the glade adding merriment and music to the air.....Silwen shook her head, to clear seemed ye had that effect on her, to make her laugh....
(07/14/09 - 21:02:47)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he was not as old and grumpy as the stories would tell, he was stoic and kindhearted....just do not do certain things around him to raise his ire and you could have a friend for life.....Never said you were......he laughed as you did.....he waves his hand and his hammer vanished and you would feel his magic is different from yours...from anything you ever felt from a few before...constant would see the roots of a new tree sprout up after he used his magic.....
(07/14/09 - 21:09:38)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Silwen's eyes widened as she followed the path of your magic and saw the tree sprout up....a gasp, small, almost unheard but there nonetheless, and the Sidhe jumped lightly to the ground to rush over to the tree......caressing the roots, and then the small trunk as it rose from the earth, the Sidhe sent her own magic flowing into it, and it grew with amazing speed until it was as tall as the Troll.....Silwen's heart was at one with nature, and the forest was hers..her home, her allies were here, and ye had just gained a lifetime friend and ally.......she turned back to you , a smile unfurling over the full soft lips...*Thank you...* Long thick lashes lowered, covering the glowing eyes from sight for a moment, then raised again...
(07/14/09 - 21:20:46)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you and then the tree and back to you and he smiles with a nod looking to what you did and he smiled...he was of the earth and from the earth cam anything he needed...shelter, a watering hole, anything he needed and he then stood and he held his hand out and he would touch the tree and close his eyes and he then opens them a few moments later and he stepped back and you see Dyads step from the tree....three of them did and they danced around it and chanting...the magic filling the air around and then just like that they faded and the Troll looked to you.......Yours now. Not the forest.....yours. This tree will sing your name until your remembrance.....he nods to you.....
(07/14/09 - 21:29:30)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Once more, Sidhe eyes widened as they watched you, and widened again as they took in the magic that ye, the magic that ye were.....she moved to the clearing when the Dryads faded, and pulling the pipes of Pan from her belt, raised them to her lips and played, a joyful tune this, reflecting the burgeoning of she played, the Silwen danced to it, her movements lithe and graceful, a dance of celebration, a dance of life and joy, of new friends, a dance of magic.....when she was done, the Sidhe raised her hand , the palm open and innocent, and blew a kiss to the great huge troll...just one, just because....
(07/14/09 - 21:33:22)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you andhe smiled for the first time in over 5,000 years and he nods to you and he waved his hand and the earth cracked opened but harmed none and he looked to you.....I seek more slumber. When I am awake I will find you and more words will be spoken.....he nods to you and he steps into the earth and he lays down and then the earth covers him back up and it looked as if the earth in this section was never your mind you hear "Sweet slumber, Silwen of the forest"...then all goes quiet......
(07/14/09 - 21:36:13)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Silwen watched as ye lay down in the opened earth, covered as if in a bed, the words, a promise to talk again, floating on the air in your wake.....and sat down to lean against the newly birthed tree, Silwen's tree .....daydreaming of things past and to come .....
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
Strength & Loyalty
--== StoryTelling ==--
~ Is weaving tales and wonders ~
: says to ALL:.... long ago there were Dwarves that lived in the caves and did stone work.....the Trolls worked along side of them and then when the time passed they became the final piece of work, but times have changed and the days of loe is coming back and with the appearance of the new fey in the lands the time was now.....Keth, the last of his kind in these mountains awakens by the power of others here.....his time was here again and so he sat up and the earth rumbled....he digs him self out of the cave in the mountains and he yawns and stretches...the earth all around rumbled as his power was of the old ones from before....he had a sledge hammer in hand and he walked to the mouth of the cave and h looked out to the new world before him........
07/14/09 - 16:29:36)
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
Storytelling :
: says to ALL:.... he looked about as he left the place of his slumber...the sun going down now and he looked up and then around.....he stood strong and firm.....each step shook the ground below him as he moved.....he watched the animals move away from him and his earth moving path......he stood tall as a tree and when he looked around he realized it and he shrunk down as far as he could...even his magic could not take him down all the way with out using glamour, and that would be to just hide himself from others and their banality......he was hungry and his appetite wouldnae be denied this day.....he went in search of food....he trapped a deer and cooked it and ate it a in one sitting...when he was done he moved on and sees a lot has changed.....
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
Princess Of The Fa'ae
Born to Queen Maeb & King Auberon
~Breathe In Peace, Breathe Out Love~
--== The Forests of Tír Na nÓg ==--
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *Wooohoooo now now.. easy easy.. The fa'ae placed the hand to the ground and told it to chill out... hmm that was not by the ground itself. Someone or something was coming. Ardhel canted teh head and sat down, the hands gently touched the land.* "Sing to me, tell me the tale" The fa'ae said when communicate with teh land. Ardhel was a creature of land, much like Maeb but that old thing was erm.. oki no bad talk about mom. The fa'ae blinked and let the forest, express what was moving through it, what caused the ground to shiver, the tree to shake. Was this mayhap one of the Troll Kings runners? If so why now.. they knew their job.. had the goblins started again? Hmm nae this was something but not Him*
(07/14/09 - 16:41:06)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ..Tír na nÓg's Misch:.... from beyond the trees walked out the Troll of could feel the magic from him emanating was strong...he stepped from beyond the trees and he looked to you as he came to a stop...he looked down...his eyes were red as the fires of the forge.....he had a giant hammer with him and he stood tall above you....well over 8 feet and more than a half a ton.....he was massive and forbidding...he leans in and he looked to you and he spoke.......Greetings little changeling. You are familiar to me but not.......he stood back up....his voice was regal and it was deep and as massive as he felt your hair move when he spoke.....his true self you knew was way bigger......
(07/14/09 - 16:46:31)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ALL:.... Silwen was out in the forest, the green coolness was soothing to her as always...the ground shook a little under her feet and the Sidhe paused to came again, the faint vibration of something in motion.....A hand, laid to the wizened bark of a tree, a question......The answer came.....*It comes....over there....a creature....Ardhel...* Silwen glided rapidly in the direction indicated , not only curious but a little alarmed, as the Ardhel's name had been mentioned ...
(07/14/09 - 16:54:44)
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *The fa'ae laughed loudly.. changeling.. riiiiight. Ardhels black eyes gazed up at ye big face, the huge body .. aye the fa'ae did see the true ye. As they did see trh true in everything. When ye stepped back Ardhel would slowly rose to stand. Tall was the fa'ae but not as tall as ye, ye hand was probly bigger than the fa'ae chest* "Then what shall be done, mmm familier ye say but yet not.. resting ye have?" *That was the only idea the fa'ae could make of such words ye spoked. Again Ardhel laughed.. changeling.. there was so not anything with Ardhel that was changeling. But ye had just put up with a game*
Silwen: *When ye touched the bark, when the question sweeped throught he forest and a answer was returned.. so was a touch aye yir touch up on that tree was like placing a hand up on Ardhel shoulder.. The fa'ae blinked and smiled, would whisper to ye mmm nae.. there was something beside curiousity about ye.. and the fa'ae felt that like a tickling and would nae say anyhting couse that would make ye more curious and this other thing would grow.. Ardhel grin.. but ye could sense the love from the fa'ae, like rings on water it spread out*
(07/14/09 - 17:03:55)
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ..Tír na nÓg's Misch:.... he looked to you as you looked to him and he heard the laugh and your words and he had to ponder them...he was still sleep but not...the eyes of the forge looked to you and then he shook his head and then he got it....and then it came...the laugh of ages....he laughed deep and thunderous.....animals ran for fear of the storm but none was to come, was just the laugh of the ginat Troll......when he stopped so did the thundering......I shall go back to what I do. Mine....Smith.....Make. My hammer and I will do what we need to and anything we need to to see the job done........but then the giant of a fey frowned as he was lost now and had nothing to do. ...where would he go.......Alas......I’ve not anything to do.......the giant fey sat down and forgot again about the power of his strength and the ground rumbled and shook, but not like when in his true height.........
........he had felt you coming but not from where and so he let you come to be sen by him as he did not look around but more of feel your presence about.......
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ALL:.... Ardhel: Silwen felt the Ardhel's touch just as if she had been standing there , beside her in the forest.....and she moved a bit faster, for the whispering spoke of a creature now, together with the Princess....
,br> Fingon & Miriel: The Sidhe came into a small glade, hugged tightly by a ring of trees ...and there, stood the Ardhel and a giant blue troll....Silwen Cromvathar, the troll caller, was unafraid....a little surprised, for she hadn't known there was a blue troll in this place...but unafraid...and she stepped out into full view, slender form held tall and erect....moving to stand beside the Ardhel, she nods respectfully, and then the silvery eyes turn to the blue one...*Ahhhh...a pretty thing, ye were.....* The thought remained unspoken, but made itself known on her face......*Greetings, blue one*....The words were low and sweet, traveling to yer ears without volume but with power , for Silwen sensed ye were different ...
(07/14/09 - 17:18:17)
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *The thundering laugh from ye made the fa'ae shiver it seem, aye Ardhel stood just before ye so it wasn't so strange. Now this was fun my my a newly waken giant troll* "a mine, smith and make is good well if one is good on such. But ye .. ye look like the right one for the right deed. But now *The fa'ae grin and sat down as ye did, for a game it was now, playful and fun.* "I think a first thing would go and meet the High Court.. ye know.. kind of annonce a presence of yirself.. who would know they might have something for ye too after that. Talk to that Princess and the Queen.. perhaps the King too if he not is out and riding of course" *Familier ye had thoguth Ardhel be, but still not.. and Ardhel thoguth that was fun..
Silwen: *The fa'ae nodded as ye came and would be silent when ye spoked to this great troll. The fa'ae would of course give a nod back as in a greeting to ye then the fa'ae turned its gaze back to this new comer
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you as you came into view of him and he looked to you and he stood up and he stood very tall....taller than all here in this realm you could assume and he leans in and he looked to you and he sensed something in you that almost called to him but he nae knew what it was but it was not a bad thing and so he nodded to you and then stood erect once more as he spoke.......Greetings small one. .....he greeted you back back no power just his voice which was primal within itself as he spoke....but he was waking slowly and not as loud as before...he nods to you as now two stood before him.......
........he looked to you as you spoke and he went over your words to him and he canted his head...the two horns on his head attracted a few birds that landed on them and then flew away as he moved and he laughs some and then looked to you once more and he nods.....Little one, my Presence was known to all as I woke from my slumber, but a meeting with the what I can only assume the Sidhe are still with in power......he said Sidhe he with a bit of disdain as they kept his people as work horses for them but not all were like that but the majority he did not like....there was almost a gutteral growl from him but it was low....but his low was still one of wonder, but he reins it in and he nods to you......I will go and meet them but things will be different this time around........those words held a power in them....the thunder clapped and it was louder than before...and then he nodded....
(07/14/09 - 17:41:10)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ALL:.... Keth: The Silwen listened as ye spoke to the Ardhel, and a slender brow arched as disdain for the Sidhe made itself known in the tones echoing in your voice....and then, the sound of power sent a thrill through the Silwen's small form....for was she not the Troll Caller? She had no fear of you, in her...and recognized you for one of the special ones.....stepping forward now, she moved closer to teh great form, and a lovely blue it was.......and reached to touch you, the tiny hand just brushing over your great leg.......and then, away again, and back to the Ardhel, silvery eyes sparkling up at you like jewels in the cool light......
(07/14/09 - 17:44:11)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to ..Tír na nÓg's Misch:.... Silwen moved close to you again, after touching the great blue bulk, and turning to gaze into the black pools, nodded...this was a special one, she thought, the words moving silently between the two....
..Tír na nÓg's Mischievous Gem..
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *The fa'ae just grin, like Puck did when he was upto something ooh he was always up to something so a grin wouldn't really say anything."wel then I must have been singing deeply for no whisper came to me .. till ye step into this forest" The fa'ae said with that spring clear voice.. Sidhe, Fa'ae, fey, Eternals, Gentry words words Maeb and Auberon watched over teh fa'ae since the the soil was liqude. Ardhel didn't much answer that question, for there was different courts and then the High. "different.. aye the monkeys is nae like when the came to existance, that is mer a dream now. They absolutly have change so there ye will find something different indeed" *the fa'ae said with a laugh as well it was not spoken more than a fun way. But for a moment, a second there Ardhel ponder over different. For Maeb would never change, if that one did change then Annwfn would change. The fa'ae was back and the thought was gone like it never been there.. *"The heart and ye will find them" *The fa'ae said, not telling that Ardhel was who Ardhel was.. just mm it was a game right.. The fa'ae stood and took a few steps back, nodded to ye as in a be well*
Silwen: *The fa'ae nodded to ye too as Ardhel was stepping back toward the thickness of the forest. And so Ardhel seem to emerge with nature vanish into the forest.. perhaps returning to its own element.. the Land of Annwfn.
(07/14/09 - 17:55:07)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you and he noted you coming over to him and touching his leg...tugging at his leg....he was high up and he not really know what you were doing or going to do, but he had no fear of were small, but he knew that could be a flaw in the design but he nae cared as he was always used to Sidhe doing what they wanted and he would speak then......Something I can do for you small one?.........he leans in once more as he asked this........
........he looked to you and he listed as you spoke over the courts and who to see...he cared not he just wanted to do something…,he was awake now and basically jobless..........I will see to them soon little one and hopefully they have something for one such as I......he then looked as you went back and stepped away from the two of us.....
(07/14/09 - 18:05:15)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *What is your name, oh blue creature?* The voice was imperious now...Silwen didn’t like being called small one, and it showed in the tones of her voice as it slipped out to you, the rosy lips pouting just the smallest bit......and just because, she shrugged away the shroud of glamour and appeared to you in her true form, which was much more luminous and much.....taller.......A laugh, and the glamour was back in place, the echo chiming over the glade, bringing a shimmering golden glow to the greens and color of tree and flower...
(07/14/09 - 18:05:15)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *What is your name, oh blue creature?* The voice was imperious now...Silwen didn’t like being called small one, and it showed in the tones of her voice as it slipped out to you, the rosy lips pouting just the smallest bit......and just because, she shrugged away the shroud of glamour and appeared to you in her true form, which was much more luminous and much.....taller.......A laugh, and the glamour was back in place, the echo chiming over the glade, bringing a shimmering golden glow to the greens and color of tree and flower...
(07/14/09 - 18:28:12)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... kicks that here : The Cromvathar was unimpressed at your display of height, and her eyes changed now, shadows rising in the silver, as sweet voice rose once again, drifting up to the great heights of you....*Well then, Troll....dinna call me small one....and i will not take a tone with ye...* A sniff, and then again a smile, which seemed to be something you could draw from her, for she wanted oh-so-very-much to be stern and unsmiling now....she had noted, ye did not tell her your name, and so did not offer her own....
(07/14/09 - 18:40:55)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he then sat down now that that was over and he would lean on a tree but not have it go back due to his strength...he looked to you and he shook his head and thought the Sidhe still arrogant as ever....that will never change it seems......he held out his hand and he watched a bird fly into it.....he grins as he was the gentle giant, but disrespect was not warranted with him....he nods to you and he lets the bird fly away......
(07/14/09 - 18:52:09)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Silwen watched as ye sat, approval flitting over her face as you were careful not to break the tree.....the Sidhe glanced up to the red eyes, gleaming in the shadows beneath the trees, and took a step close again, fascinated...she had never met a troll such as yourself, and could feel the difference in you....and when ye caught the bird in that monstrous hand, then released it unharmed, Silwen moved to stand beside you again, close by, and then...and then...the imperious Sidhe climbed up onto the great knee and settled there, an eldritch smile lighting the sweet face, warming her eyes as she gazed up to your red ones......she did something unheard of now, and told you her name, although not her true one.....*I am Silwen .....* and out of respect, did not ask ye to reveal yours to her...
Keth Celahir
Troll Kithian
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you as you moved closer and he did not say anything and then when you came to him and sat upon his knee a grin splayed on his face and he then smiled to you and nodded as you said your name.....he then spoke to you......I am Keth. Well met to you Silwen of the forest. Keth of the Great Forge be me........his right hand made a fist and it was across his heart as he said his name.....
(07/14/09 - 20:35:42)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... There was music in that name, Silwen, hidden deep, and she grinned in return as she answered ye...*Well met indeed, Keth of the great Forge....tell me, if ye like...what is it ye seek here? And do ye know how to make armour, mithril armour even? The Silwen gazed up at you, a slender brow arched quizzically....
(07/14/09 - 20:41:10)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked and he laughed at must be young he thought and he nods........Lady Silwen....I just awoke and now I have nothing to do, and to answer you. I am Keth of the Forge. Like the mighty Hephestus(sp), I can make anything.......he nods to you and like the child like nature it looked like in this scene and he bounced you on his knee...not to insult you but to make you smile.......
(07/14/09 - 20:48:35)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... *What! * This...this troll was bouncing her as if she was some ....CHILD. Silwen huffed, then climbed up to stand on you, making her way up the massive thigh to stand with a hand pressed to your chest for balance....she was almost nose to nose with ye, the silver eyes spitting fire.......*I am no child...* 'Twas true, she was young, but she had the dignity and arrogance of her kind, and she knew ye didn't mean it in a bad way, and neither did she...but needed to say it aloud....A snort, and then, the fire turned to mirth, and the Sidhe began to laugh, the sound bewitching, flowing over the glade adding merriment and music to the air.....Silwen shook her head, to clear seemed ye had that effect on her, to make her laugh....
(07/14/09 - 21:02:47)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he was not as old and grumpy as the stories would tell, he was stoic and kindhearted....just do not do certain things around him to raise his ire and you could have a friend for life.....Never said you were......he laughed as you did.....he waves his hand and his hammer vanished and you would feel his magic is different from yours...from anything you ever felt from a few before...constant would see the roots of a new tree sprout up after he used his magic.....
(07/14/09 - 21:09:38)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Silwen's eyes widened as she followed the path of your magic and saw the tree sprout up....a gasp, small, almost unheard but there nonetheless, and the Sidhe jumped lightly to the ground to rush over to the tree......caressing the roots, and then the small trunk as it rose from the earth, the Sidhe sent her own magic flowing into it, and it grew with amazing speed until it was as tall as the Troll.....Silwen's heart was at one with nature, and the forest was hers..her home, her allies were here, and ye had just gained a lifetime friend and ally.......she turned back to you , a smile unfurling over the full soft lips...*Thank you...* Long thick lashes lowered, covering the glowing eyes from sight for a moment, then raised again...
(07/14/09 - 21:20:46)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you and then the tree and back to you and he smiles with a nod looking to what you did and he smiled...he was of the earth and from the earth cam anything he needed...shelter, a watering hole, anything he needed and he then stood and he held his hand out and he would touch the tree and close his eyes and he then opens them a few moments later and he stepped back and you see Dyads step from the tree....three of them did and they danced around it and chanting...the magic filling the air around and then just like that they faded and the Troll looked to you.......Yours now. Not the forest.....yours. This tree will sing your name until your remembrance.....he nods to you.....
(07/14/09 - 21:29:30)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Once more, Sidhe eyes widened as they watched you, and widened again as they took in the magic that ye, the magic that ye were.....she moved to the clearing when the Dryads faded, and pulling the pipes of Pan from her belt, raised them to her lips and played, a joyful tune this, reflecting the burgeoning of she played, the Silwen danced to it, her movements lithe and graceful, a dance of celebration, a dance of life and joy, of new friends, a dance of magic.....when she was done, the Sidhe raised her hand , the palm open and innocent, and blew a kiss to the great huge troll...just one, just because....
(07/14/09 - 21:33:22)
|\ Fingon& Míriel /|
Keth Celahir
: says to ~Silwen Cromvathar~S:.... he looked to you andhe smiled for the first time in over 5,000 years and he nods to you and he waved his hand and the earth cracked opened but harmed none and he looked to you.....I seek more slumber. When I am awake I will find you and more words will be spoken.....he nods to you and he steps into the earth and he lays down and then the earth covers him back up and it looked as if the earth in this section was never your mind you hear "Sweet slumber, Silwen of the forest"...then all goes quiet......
(07/14/09 - 21:36:13)
~Silwen Cromvathar~
: says to |\ Fingon& Míriel /|:.... Silwen watched as ye lay down in the opened earth, covered as if in a bed, the words, a promise to talk again, floating on the air in your wake.....and sat down to lean against the newly birthed tree, Silwen's tree .....daydreaming of things past and to come .....