Post by Fëawen on Jul 6, 2009 5:54:01 GMT 1
07/01/09 - 23:45:33)
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
--== The Nymphs Grove (Forest of Tír Na nÓg) ==--
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen was wandering in the forest after yesterday's fighting.....others were cleaning up the carnage left in the battle's wake, and the Sidhe was unwinding, the soothing presence of the beings who inhabited the trees was welcome indeed
Frost Mesnée d'Hellequin:
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... after playing in his element he walked of and he felt his student coming this way....he looked to you and he steps back and he pulled his blade and he was a few trees behind you as you moved in the grove....while you walked, you thought and that could be fatal to you as he was about to show you...he crouched down and he would wait in the cut till you passed.....
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Sidhe glided along, making no noise, as her thoughts returned to the battle once more, and how the Troll Prince and she had fought together, back to back against the marauding Orcs....lost in thought, she was, and paid no attention to the insistent whispering of the wind in her ears.....
Mesnée d'Hellequin:
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... with his swiftness, he moved like the wind and he was behind you now with a dagger....his arm reaches around and placed th edagger at your throat......Do you concede lady of the air?.......he grins as he does this really...he can not wait to see what you will do now.....
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen's focus returns....too late, the unseen assailant is on her from behind, an arm wrapped around her, a knife at her throat... but that voice familiar? *ooohhhhhh...her eyes darken, and she hooks a foot behind your ankle, then bites down on the knife-wielding hand as she pushes with her they fall, the Sidhe grabs your wrist and pushes it away....but they would continue to fall and hit the ground with a thud...
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
=†Exiled Sidhe Warrior†=
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he would laugh as you do such but as we fell, Frost would tumble , roll away from you, and getting to one knee and then pouncing on to you, his body crashing on top of yours as he looked to you and grinned....his hands grasping your wrists to pin you to the ground......
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen growled now, the sound low and fierce, more at the fact that ye laughed at her than anything they hit the ground and rolled, the Sidhe found herself pinned, and growled again, this time in chagrin...but she laughed, and ceded, silver-hued eyes glittering in the cool light of the glade.......*Ok, Ok.....I cede.....but no fair..I wasn't looking....*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he looked to you and the laughter went away with that in which you just spoke of and he gets off of you and he pulls you up hard to your feet and he steps back from you and cants his head.....Is that what you are going to tell a real attacker? No fair you were not looking? Feawen I am disappointed in you. I thought I taught you better than this.......he sighs.....You still have much to learn. You should be grateful, I am here, or you have died sooner.
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Heh, The man's arrogance was beyond...beyond........beyond her own, even, and she glared up at you, hot words flaring on her lips...but they remained unspoken, as well she knew the truth in what you much as it rankled, your words carried truth in them......and so, eyes blazing silver, she merely nodded, and stepped forward to take your bitten hand between both of hers.....*Does it hurt?* This, spoken in a tone of complete and utter innocence....
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he looked to you and he shook his head as you took his hand and asked the question.....Why would it?......he was lost for a bit but he was glad to see you were learning and he notes something else holding your tongue, and he shook his head to you....You are Sidhe. If you have something to say, even if it is wrong and it most likely will be just speak it. Holding your tongue is for is for mortals who know their place.
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... *Well then....* The Sidhe's voice was silken, gliding to your ears with such smoothness of sound before exploding in your ears......*Well then, if ye ever jump me like that again, ye won't find it so easy.....and*....*The words heated up now....*I asked because it's a grand bite ye have here,....* Feawen lifted the hand in question so that it was at her eye level, in spite of herself examining the wound.....*And that's what happens to assassins and orcs when they dare to jump a Sidhe!* The Feawen straightened, seeming to grow taller as she stood in place, and loosed her glamour to show her true longer the soft gentle healer...but a fierce...warrior - or at least the beginnings of one, as she ended this tirade with a laugh...and a *Yes, Frost, i take the point...*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... the wound would start to heal on it's own as we looked to it and he laughs then as you try to prove to him that you were more than you were in the moment and he shook his made him laugh...he mulled over your words as you spoke them and he could not take you serious yet unless you released all that was in were not angry...might be annoyed...or something else...he looked to you and he walked around you in a circle....THe Feawen...healer......The Feawen.....Warrior....THe Feawen....hhhmmmm......he was being aloof maybe or he just went of the subject at hand.....he stops and he looked to you know why we...we being Frost and I. Do you know why we push you?
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen watched as your hand began to heal and nodded, dismissing the wound from her thoughts now...and then listened as you laughed at her yet again, the silvery eyes beginning to glint now, with splints and shards of gold and stony gray.....*Yes, I am Healer...and Warrior.....and Sidhe, I am....* ...Feawen looked up at you, who were still taller than she even in her natural form....*Aye, Frost, I is because you see what lies beneath the I do you in you...* the Sidhe's chin raised just the tiniest bit higher, and she turned with you now, her eyes never leaving your blue ones....for Feawen was unafraid of you, even now would see this in her eyes.....*You want the warrior in me to rise and be strong...*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he nods and he grins....Feawen, you are a healer.....and a Sidhe, but nae a Warrior. You were born with much but Warrior was not one. You do not help and harm with the same hand. I am teaching you to be a have no inner Warrior in you. You are a Healer and yet I can contradict me and say that you turn your healing abilities in on itself...use the very healing to wound. You have the makings of an assassin. Get in close and then do your deed. You do no realize what you wield, Feawen, and that is why I am here to teach you that......he moved to you and he stood in front of you and he leaned and he kissed you and his lips were warm and yet cool...this close you could hear the waves crashing on rocks in the sea and then he broke it and he looked to you......
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Sidhe felt her knees go weake at touch of your lips on hers, and delicately formed hands raised to settle on your shoulders for a brief moment before you stepped back ....and then, ye spoke of assassin's powers, and the silver-hued eyes widened, although she did not interrupt as you went on.....*But...but...what of the Orc battle? I fought like a warrior then, back to back with a Troll...we fought savagely together, we did......but up front and out in the open....what of that? * And Feawen stepped close, eyes still fastened on your own as she added, with a savage gleam of satisfaction rising in the silver gaze....*and what of the flyers, that wanted to harm you? * A tone of bloodlust entered the silken voice now, as the memory of the sounds, the sounds of snapping bones, rose up.....and with that, she rose up on her toes and kissed you back, the soft lips inviting...and then the Sidhe stepped back, two steps even, and tapped a delicate foot imperiously....*Well? What of all that?*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he looked to you and he listened and he notes your movements.....he felt the kiss upon his lips and he smiled to you and then looked as you moved back some but not too far as you could not move from the best thing in your life right now...he grins and mulls over your words and speaks.....You did well, but most of that was what Frost taught you. I have seen you grow thru his eyes...we inspire those that can not do. You can not be a warrior, but you could do something else.....he moved closer to you..his hand caressing your face softly..the feel of the life essence misting across your cheek......All in all you did do remarkably well, but always room for improvement.......he nods......I think I may take you as my mate. You are worthy enough for such.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen stood there, listening as you spoke, outrage growing with every word, the obedient wind that crawled about her ankles rose, whipping over the glade all of its own accord, and the silvery eyes flared hot with sparks, midnight hair rising to float and crawl about her, as alive as she was.....and out spilled the words, unrestrained......*Oh, ye inspire those who can not, eh? Well....Frost, Hellequin...or both of you....NEVER tell me what I can or can not do, because I will do as I please.....I am a Sidhe Princess, a Sidhe Healer...and....and....and...I am Feawen…..and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be, great one, address me with respect when you talk to me.....* And then, the hand, stroking over the smooth skin of her face, and Feawen heard the incredible words that followed..and was rendered speechless, for one of the few and only times in her life.....her hand raised to touch yours then, and the glittering eyes grew soft....and a single word escaped her lips now.......*Mate?*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he could see the ire in you rise and he smiled to you and he let it happen and he just watched you for a while and as you nae speak he did not either and he folds arms across his chest were right in what you said and he spoke on it.....THis is true but it is still something you learned and had to harness thanks to us and I was addressing you as such. Did you take something out of context Fea?.......he looked to you, head canted….
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen took her hand away and rubbed it as if it had been burned, the movement unconscious, her conscious mind was considering what to say in answer to that, the silvery eyes regarding you steadily.... At last , the reply....soft and hesitant it was, words that in spite of all her Sidhe arrogance...nay, in spite of all her innate arrogance, were difficult for her to say, because she had been alone lo these many long years, by choice it had been.....for she had never met anyone who was her equal, worthy of what she had to give, and so had given it to none......but in you, Feawen thought, in you there was such a one, perhaps, because you were more than one.......A sigh, blossoming over the little glade like a flower, and the simple words...*Yes, Frost...I took the word Mate out of context...but I thought I heard you say you might take me as such...that's all....*
(07/02/09 - 10:59:15)
†Mesnée d'Hellequin†
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you for a long moment and he moved closer and invaded yoru personal space and then listened o you speak.....what you were feeling was not that of a Sidhe but a woman....being alone is not what we were meant to be but some could take it and other needed constant closeness......The Frost in me let me be by myself without such thoughts.....he was a warrior and that was all he needed, but at times you need more...he nods to you at your words.......Feawen do you hear my words wrong? I said I would take you as one. You are almost my equal and do not think you are are not, but you are close and that is why I would take you as such.......he smiles a smile that looked like an unseelie there was something else there in the words he spoke to you.....
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Torn between stepping back and moving closer, Feawen split the difference and did neither, She, who had faced Orcs, armed but with magicks and the air, and a small silver dagger, had earned the respect of the troll prince, had faced down countless adversaries over the many long years and managed to stay alive, mainly by the use of her wits, found this Frost to be an enigma.....and the eldritch sound in your voice, that ....that....Unseelie smile, eerie and yet laced with power, unsettled her.....At this moment, she was confused, for Feawen had never been confronted by such power, greater than her own, and your words now made her look at herself, and at you, in a different light......the silvery eyes gazed into yours, transfixed, and she just nodded wordlessly, something that seemed to happen around you, she thought......
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he smiles a smile and he shakes his head to you and he did not like this .....a simple yes or no....he knew this was simple to him so why not to you...he raised a brow....his hands cupped your face..........You seem to be over thinking sone things Feawen. Maybe you need more time? Is that it? Time?.. Something so useless to ones such as us.........he released your face and he stepped back and then he put his left arm behind him and took his right hand and he put it at his chin as he started to mull over some thoughts and as he did, he began to walk around you and he would stop after the second go behind and lean in and whisper in your ear.....Is this the face you want Feawen, or is it the Frost you seek?.....he snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you close…
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen drew a sharp breath as you moved to wrap your arms about her, and at the direct question, turned to face more dissembling now, a direct question had been posed, and a direct answer it would get.......the Sidhe considered for a moment, silver eyes glimmering with tiny glowing shards of gold as she gazed into yours.... she knew that you and Frost were one, the same, and yet more than one, different......and Feawen shook her head, clearing the web of confusion....A single word, breathed quietly, as she sank deep into your eyes, peering in at you, leaving herself open to your own gaze, that ye would know her answer was true ...*Yes...* Just that, and ye would know she meant you, who stood there before her...
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he grins and he kisses your as you turn to him and he released you and he stood in front of you now.......his eyes growing dark, but the blue in them were steel this time....he nods.....I think you made the right choice, but Frost on the other hand.....he gives you a knowing look and shakes his head.......While Frost and I are one in the same we are very different. Frost is me, who I am when I was hurt so bad that I, he.....was a one-Sidhe killing spree. No one could stop us. I know it could be confusing and it can one be two you might ask? What if one was never there and just another side..another person ?
I was poisoned with slaugh blood and Frost is that side of me when I am angry....and i have been that for so long I forgot about me. The remembrance he does kept me alive. If Frost comes back…. and he will....he'll not be happy with you, but he will have to deal with that......he laughs the dark laugh of the unseelie as he looked to you...he was a beautiful monster.....One day I will tell you of our exile. You would be most....something when you hear it.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen's eyes remained on yours, fascinated, as they turned cold and steely....for she knew she was observing the second self of Frost, or rather ....the first one, the original, and thus, perhaps the true Frost, he whom she had seen all those many times in Frost the Warrior's eyes.......she knew, oh so well, that ye were one and the same, different facets, perhaps of the same person...the same, and yet not......*I've seen you, ye know...* her voice was soft, unexpectedly so...*seen you, so many times, in Frost's eyes.....and wanted to know you, for so long now....* Feawen smiled now, it curving over ruby lips, rising to warm the silvery color of her eyes as she looked at you..... Frost will nae like it, I know him well...but then, as I am yours, I am his as well, it will always be so....for it is both of you, whom I love, or is the one of you who is both, whom I love......* The Sidhe paused now, a look of surprise flitting through her eyes as she realizes what she has said....she loves.....never once has she said that, in over a thousand years of wandering.......
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he saw what be in your was a shock to him ..he has known love once...made him weak but he enjoyed, but that same weakness made him more dangerous and cunning to protect that love....thus the Frost was born of her death and betrayal of others....he looked to you looking at him...with in his eyes was a hurt that can never be it had to remake it self....he listened to all you said and he took it into him and he smiled to you....he only ever loved one and would just mate with another....maybe....this one;s heart is nae frozen so it could be more but to know love once more could make me into the one no one will ever be able to near again......he nods to your words......True. You are mine and his, but know that if you betray one of betray both of us. This can be bad for you Feawen. My torturing skills are grand and beyond reproach. I have been betrayed before and that is the worst wound for a fey...shows disrespect and if that happens.......his eyes glow red as he looked to you.......I will not hesitate to kill you......and your friends. I nae think you have many so me getting over your betrayal would be swift......he then smiles and his eyes return to the pools of blue from before.....So now that that is done, how are you feeling this day?.......his voice was just pleasant now......
(07/02/09 - 13:03:04)
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Sidhe's eyes, still locked on yours as you spoke, grew hot with rage at the affront your words carried.......*Dinna speak to me of betrayal.......I am Sidhe, I am Feawen....and I do....not.....betray. Ye need not threaten me, for you will NEVER be able to hold me by fear....* The small chin jutted out, raised high....*I have given myself, and that should be enough for you to know. No other will exist for me.....and* The quiet voice hissed over Feawen's soft lips, rippling through the glade..... *And...I am aware of who you are, and choice was made in that knowledge....and, now THAT is done ..... I am well this day, thank you.* Feawen stood there, still close, eyes alight with fire, for she was ablaze.... no not one of the fire fae, but the fire of strength and emotion.....
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he knew you were unseelie and he wondered why in the stars this upset you....if you had been seelie okay, but you were not and he knew that and he shook his head...unlike you at times he knew held his tongue if he needed or wanted to know something.......Did I upset you again? Wow we are on such a great start aren't we......and with that he laughed....he knew you and he knew you would be true...but he had to warn you..that was him being seelie like....he shook his head to you and he invaded your space once again, but you were his and this was his space as well now....he looked to your fiery eyes and his were like crashing waves along the beach...he stood tall before you...proud and Majestic....a grin would play on his face...unlike Frost he claimed his unseelieness and he loved being had to learn as well...needed to if you were to survive being with him......Calm yourself woman. You know how the unseelie and I being them. The warning was very seelie of me I think in the stead of killing you while you slept. I wanted you to know.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen did not step back again, but let you close, a grin curling over the red lips as you spoke of the Unseelie...aye, she grew less Seelie every day, thanks to Frost, but at times still, her reactions were still those she had learned at her mother's knee.....and suddenly, a laugh rang out, and the fire in her eyes subsided, revealing a sweet soft silver that few if any ever saw....and Feawen reached to take your hand, raising it to her cheek for the space of a single heartbeat before brushing it with a kiss...a symbol...
Aerandir Elaness뇇
--== The Pond in Nymphs Grove (Forest of Tír Na nÓg) ==--
~ Is in the crystal clear pond, in the Nymphs Grove in The Land of Young ~
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he grins as he sees you come around to his thinking and he lets his hand be taken and he smiles and he wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer and he kissed your lips deeply....his pale white hair showering over you as he had o lean in for the kiss.....he break the kiss his now dark pools looked to you......Enough talk of betrayal and such...just let us be.....he nods and he walks you over to the pond where he was once before sensing you........Let us enjoy the day and our new found status in life, shall we.....all in all he was surprised you nae asked his name....that window was not closed....he smiles as we walked to the pond......
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen thought of nothing at all as the kiss carried her away.....but then as they walked to the pond together, she blinked...that word, was so strange, so alien to her, and yet felt so comfortable now.......and then, the bane flowered, it did, and the Sidhe looked up at you, eyes still soft and open, as they were not for others....and simply let the question out....*What is your true name? You know mine, after all .....or Frost does.....*.
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he grins as you think of it now......I know of you and your true name.....with it comes know mine is is to know death. Remember the nightfliers are here and them..for them to hear my name would cause a great unrest as their fears would be true and hers. So for now I will not say it or yours...for it be the name of another who was in service to the bitch queen of the unseelie. Be patient and my name will come to you.....he nodded sagely and he walked to the edge of the pond and he looked to you and then to the pond.....The beauty of this place pales in comparison to yours Feawen, but I think you knew that already.....he grins and winks to you as he looked back to the water.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The windservant that curled and whispered at her feet stirred, whining at your mention of the flyers, and an eldritch light came into the Feawen's eyes, the sounds of snapping bones in her mind....and then, watching you as you looked to the water, the Sidhe saw how much you loved it.....this was something she had never seen in Frost, and an idea came to her.....*You would like Kalina, she lives in this water somewhere...a Niaid, she is.....Frost has met her....
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he nods softly to you.....I know of this Kalina.....she is of the water and thus a kin in spirit......he looked to you and he backed up and he looked over your form..taking in everything about you and he grins and he looked to you still as his hand extended out over the water and he moved it fluidly over said water and his hand then came to be in front of you and the water washed over you and then his hand back out over the water and it were left as you were and nae water left upon your form...he motioned for you to look to the you do you would see yourself but as water made life..was your exact double in form but just looked of water............Aye...she be a water nymph...a lady of the lake....parton of the pond.......he grins as he looked to you and judges your reaction to what he just did......
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen stands motionless as your eyes slide over her form, and then as the water rains down over her, gasps.....but your hand moves almost casually and the water is gone again, and she turns to watch it as it fades away, back into the pond....but what was this? The Sidhe gasps again, an involuntary sound of surprise, as she sees what looks to be herself, dancing on the surface of the pond......Feawen looks back at you, laughing with pleasure, for she has never seen anything like that was another facet of you, this playfulness, and the Feawen stepped close again, hugging you in sheer delight....*Thank you, that was....amazing, Frost....* and, I'm still dry.. another laugh, this one warming the glade...
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen does something now, cupping her palm for a moment, a small handful of glamour held within, and then, an incantation, soft words whispered, and the dainty hand glows golden for just a moment.....and then, she raises it to her lips and opens it, a little ball of golden light quivers on the flattened palm.....Feawen blow it away, a few more words whispered, and the ball leaps to the center of the glade before spinning and elongating ...and there stands a copy of Frost! The Sidhe turns silvery eyes to you, laughing.....*I wish I could do that with water, Frost...Oh, the things I'd make....*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he smiles at you and he knew you nae ever expected this, but this was not for play but plans later down the line, but you nae needed to know that as of yet...he would just enjoy the time with you and he would smiles to you and nod.......Why would you get wet? Not unless I deemed it so.....he grins and he laughs darkly and he looked to you......I will show you a great many things that Frost could not....many things he could never.......he grins and winked to you and looked to wha tyou did and he smiles with a laugh not dark this time but excited in your magic..he looked to him and he went by it and stood next to it and looked back to you.....There should always be more of me around. World be a grand place.....his arrogance ever greater than before...he laughs as he moved next to you once more and he nods....Maybe one day you will do such my lil healer....he grins and he brushed his lips top yours once more....he then took the feawen of water and draped it over us...this time we were both soaked...he laughs.....
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen laughs aloud, delighted in your arrogance, and happy that she has pleased you with her glamour.........and then you were at her side once again , dumping a cold bath of water over them both..... Feawen sputters, about to storm, but sees that you are as wet as she, and just laughs, the sound rilling over the glen, making everything seem greener and more alive....*And Frost?* a sly smile curls over soft lips...*I think one of you is just enough...* ....Another laugh, and the Sidhe moves close, curling against your wet form...
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he grins and he held you close hearing your laugh and he smiles with light chuckles that carry along the evening air....he looked to you and he heard what you said and he laughs......, of me is never enough......he laughs and he removed his clothing.....more comfort and freedom...he looked to you.......I have not laughed like that since....since the great break in the know that to be at least 2500 years ago........I had so much fun that day. Poor seelie bastards never knew what hit them........he grins and he looked to you as he sat by the tree.....Come on over. I nae bite....hard........he laughs....
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen nodded and came to you, a bit hesitant, then sat down beside you where you sat with your back to the tree...she sat close, touching you along one side of her body, looking at you was not the bite she was thinking about, however, but the great break, and she wondered how old in fact ye really were, although your age was not of interest to her as it was a concept that all fae didn't quite grasp, they as a race, and many individuals among them, were so old that time had disappeared into the mists and lost its meaning, if it had ever had any....but she knew that the great break had happened before her birth, and this idea fascinated her, as ye didn't look of a great age at all.....and then, your eyes caught hers, and she peered into you, and much time, so much past.....and reaches out to lay a slender palm against you as she looked....there was a merging now, strange to her, as usually the Feawen did the looking...but ye were looking back, and learning of her too, she could hide nothing from you, nor did she want to....odd, for the way of the Fae was to dissemble.... ......
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
--== The Nymphs Grove (Forest of Tír Na nÓg) ==--
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen was wandering in the forest after yesterday's fighting.....others were cleaning up the carnage left in the battle's wake, and the Sidhe was unwinding, the soothing presence of the beings who inhabited the trees was welcome indeed
Frost Mesnée d'Hellequin:
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... after playing in his element he walked of and he felt his student coming this way....he looked to you and he steps back and he pulled his blade and he was a few trees behind you as you moved in the grove....while you walked, you thought and that could be fatal to you as he was about to show you...he crouched down and he would wait in the cut till you passed.....
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Sidhe glided along, making no noise, as her thoughts returned to the battle once more, and how the Troll Prince and she had fought together, back to back against the marauding Orcs....lost in thought, she was, and paid no attention to the insistent whispering of the wind in her ears.....
Mesnée d'Hellequin:
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... with his swiftness, he moved like the wind and he was behind you now with a dagger....his arm reaches around and placed th edagger at your throat......Do you concede lady of the air?.......he grins as he does this really...he can not wait to see what you will do now.....
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen's focus returns....too late, the unseen assailant is on her from behind, an arm wrapped around her, a knife at her throat... but that voice familiar? *ooohhhhhh...her eyes darken, and she hooks a foot behind your ankle, then bites down on the knife-wielding hand as she pushes with her they fall, the Sidhe grabs your wrist and pushes it away....but they would continue to fall and hit the ground with a thud...
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
=†Exiled Sidhe Warrior†=
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he would laugh as you do such but as we fell, Frost would tumble , roll away from you, and getting to one knee and then pouncing on to you, his body crashing on top of yours as he looked to you and grinned....his hands grasping your wrists to pin you to the ground......
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen growled now, the sound low and fierce, more at the fact that ye laughed at her than anything they hit the ground and rolled, the Sidhe found herself pinned, and growled again, this time in chagrin...but she laughed, and ceded, silver-hued eyes glittering in the cool light of the glade.......*Ok, Ok.....I cede.....but no fair..I wasn't looking....*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he looked to you and the laughter went away with that in which you just spoke of and he gets off of you and he pulls you up hard to your feet and he steps back from you and cants his head.....Is that what you are going to tell a real attacker? No fair you were not looking? Feawen I am disappointed in you. I thought I taught you better than this.......he sighs.....You still have much to learn. You should be grateful, I am here, or you have died sooner.
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Heh, The man's arrogance was beyond...beyond........beyond her own, even, and she glared up at you, hot words flaring on her lips...but they remained unspoken, as well she knew the truth in what you much as it rankled, your words carried truth in them......and so, eyes blazing silver, she merely nodded, and stepped forward to take your bitten hand between both of hers.....*Does it hurt?* This, spoken in a tone of complete and utter innocence....
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he looked to you and he shook his head as you took his hand and asked the question.....Why would it?......he was lost for a bit but he was glad to see you were learning and he notes something else holding your tongue, and he shook his head to you....You are Sidhe. If you have something to say, even if it is wrong and it most likely will be just speak it. Holding your tongue is for is for mortals who know their place.
~°°Fëawen Táralóm °° ~
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... *Well then....* The Sidhe's voice was silken, gliding to your ears with such smoothness of sound before exploding in your ears......*Well then, if ye ever jump me like that again, ye won't find it so easy.....and*....*The words heated up now....*I asked because it's a grand bite ye have here,....* Feawen lifted the hand in question so that it was at her eye level, in spite of herself examining the wound.....*And that's what happens to assassins and orcs when they dare to jump a Sidhe!* The Feawen straightened, seeming to grow taller as she stood in place, and loosed her glamour to show her true longer the soft gentle healer...but a fierce...warrior - or at least the beginnings of one, as she ended this tirade with a laugh...and a *Yes, Frost, i take the point...*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... the wound would start to heal on it's own as we looked to it and he laughs then as you try to prove to him that you were more than you were in the moment and he shook his made him laugh...he mulled over your words as you spoke them and he could not take you serious yet unless you released all that was in were not angry...might be annoyed...or something else...he looked to you and he walked around you in a circle....THe Feawen...healer......The Feawen.....Warrior....THe Feawen....hhhmmmm......he was being aloof maybe or he just went of the subject at hand.....he stops and he looked to you know why we...we being Frost and I. Do you know why we push you?
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen watched as your hand began to heal and nodded, dismissing the wound from her thoughts now...and then listened as you laughed at her yet again, the silvery eyes beginning to glint now, with splints and shards of gold and stony gray.....*Yes, I am Healer...and Warrior.....and Sidhe, I am....* ...Feawen looked up at you, who were still taller than she even in her natural form....*Aye, Frost, I is because you see what lies beneath the I do you in you...* the Sidhe's chin raised just the tiniest bit higher, and she turned with you now, her eyes never leaving your blue ones....for Feawen was unafraid of you, even now would see this in her eyes.....*You want the warrior in me to rise and be strong...*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he nods and he grins....Feawen, you are a healer.....and a Sidhe, but nae a Warrior. You were born with much but Warrior was not one. You do not help and harm with the same hand. I am teaching you to be a have no inner Warrior in you. You are a Healer and yet I can contradict me and say that you turn your healing abilities in on itself...use the very healing to wound. You have the makings of an assassin. Get in close and then do your deed. You do no realize what you wield, Feawen, and that is why I am here to teach you that......he moved to you and he stood in front of you and he leaned and he kissed you and his lips were warm and yet cool...this close you could hear the waves crashing on rocks in the sea and then he broke it and he looked to you......
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Sidhe felt her knees go weake at touch of your lips on hers, and delicately formed hands raised to settle on your shoulders for a brief moment before you stepped back ....and then, ye spoke of assassin's powers, and the silver-hued eyes widened, although she did not interrupt as you went on.....*But...but...what of the Orc battle? I fought like a warrior then, back to back with a Troll...we fought savagely together, we did......but up front and out in the open....what of that? * And Feawen stepped close, eyes still fastened on your own as she added, with a savage gleam of satisfaction rising in the silver gaze....*and what of the flyers, that wanted to harm you? * A tone of bloodlust entered the silken voice now, as the memory of the sounds, the sounds of snapping bones, rose up.....and with that, she rose up on her toes and kissed you back, the soft lips inviting...and then the Sidhe stepped back, two steps even, and tapped a delicate foot imperiously....*Well? What of all that?*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he looked to you and he listened and he notes your movements.....he felt the kiss upon his lips and he smiled to you and then looked as you moved back some but not too far as you could not move from the best thing in your life right now...he grins and mulls over your words and speaks.....You did well, but most of that was what Frost taught you. I have seen you grow thru his eyes...we inspire those that can not do. You can not be a warrior, but you could do something else.....he moved closer to you..his hand caressing your face softly..the feel of the life essence misting across your cheek......All in all you did do remarkably well, but always room for improvement.......he nods......I think I may take you as my mate. You are worthy enough for such.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen stood there, listening as you spoke, outrage growing with every word, the obedient wind that crawled about her ankles rose, whipping over the glade all of its own accord, and the silvery eyes flared hot with sparks, midnight hair rising to float and crawl about her, as alive as she was.....and out spilled the words, unrestrained......*Oh, ye inspire those who can not, eh? Well....Frost, Hellequin...or both of you....NEVER tell me what I can or can not do, because I will do as I please.....I am a Sidhe Princess, a Sidhe Healer...and....and....and...I am Feawen…..and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be, great one, address me with respect when you talk to me.....* And then, the hand, stroking over the smooth skin of her face, and Feawen heard the incredible words that followed..and was rendered speechless, for one of the few and only times in her life.....her hand raised to touch yours then, and the glittering eyes grew soft....and a single word escaped her lips now.......*Mate?*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to ~°°Fëawen Táralóm °°:.... he could see the ire in you rise and he smiled to you and he let it happen and he just watched you for a while and as you nae speak he did not either and he folds arms across his chest were right in what you said and he spoke on it.....THis is true but it is still something you learned and had to harness thanks to us and I was addressing you as such. Did you take something out of context Fea?.......he looked to you, head canted….
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen took her hand away and rubbed it as if it had been burned, the movement unconscious, her conscious mind was considering what to say in answer to that, the silvery eyes regarding you steadily.... At last , the reply....soft and hesitant it was, words that in spite of all her Sidhe arrogance...nay, in spite of all her innate arrogance, were difficult for her to say, because she had been alone lo these many long years, by choice it had been.....for she had never met anyone who was her equal, worthy of what she had to give, and so had given it to none......but in you, Feawen thought, in you there was such a one, perhaps, because you were more than one.......A sigh, blossoming over the little glade like a flower, and the simple words...*Yes, Frost...I took the word Mate out of context...but I thought I heard you say you might take me as such...that's all....*
(07/02/09 - 10:59:15)
†Mesnée d'Hellequin†
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you for a long moment and he moved closer and invaded yoru personal space and then listened o you speak.....what you were feeling was not that of a Sidhe but a woman....being alone is not what we were meant to be but some could take it and other needed constant closeness......The Frost in me let me be by myself without such thoughts.....he was a warrior and that was all he needed, but at times you need more...he nods to you at your words.......Feawen do you hear my words wrong? I said I would take you as one. You are almost my equal and do not think you are are not, but you are close and that is why I would take you as such.......he smiles a smile that looked like an unseelie there was something else there in the words he spoke to you.....
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Torn between stepping back and moving closer, Feawen split the difference and did neither, She, who had faced Orcs, armed but with magicks and the air, and a small silver dagger, had earned the respect of the troll prince, had faced down countless adversaries over the many long years and managed to stay alive, mainly by the use of her wits, found this Frost to be an enigma.....and the eldritch sound in your voice, that ....that....Unseelie smile, eerie and yet laced with power, unsettled her.....At this moment, she was confused, for Feawen had never been confronted by such power, greater than her own, and your words now made her look at herself, and at you, in a different light......the silvery eyes gazed into yours, transfixed, and she just nodded wordlessly, something that seemed to happen around you, she thought......
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he smiles a smile and he shakes his head to you and he did not like this .....a simple yes or no....he knew this was simple to him so why not to you...he raised a brow....his hands cupped your face..........You seem to be over thinking sone things Feawen. Maybe you need more time? Is that it? Time?.. Something so useless to ones such as us.........he released your face and he stepped back and then he put his left arm behind him and took his right hand and he put it at his chin as he started to mull over some thoughts and as he did, he began to walk around you and he would stop after the second go behind and lean in and whisper in your ear.....Is this the face you want Feawen, or is it the Frost you seek?.....he snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you close…
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen drew a sharp breath as you moved to wrap your arms about her, and at the direct question, turned to face more dissembling now, a direct question had been posed, and a direct answer it would get.......the Sidhe considered for a moment, silver eyes glimmering with tiny glowing shards of gold as she gazed into yours.... she knew that you and Frost were one, the same, and yet more than one, different......and Feawen shook her head, clearing the web of confusion....A single word, breathed quietly, as she sank deep into your eyes, peering in at you, leaving herself open to your own gaze, that ye would know her answer was true ...*Yes...* Just that, and ye would know she meant you, who stood there before her...
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he grins and he kisses your as you turn to him and he released you and he stood in front of you now.......his eyes growing dark, but the blue in them were steel this time....he nods.....I think you made the right choice, but Frost on the other hand.....he gives you a knowing look and shakes his head.......While Frost and I are one in the same we are very different. Frost is me, who I am when I was hurt so bad that I, he.....was a one-Sidhe killing spree. No one could stop us. I know it could be confusing and it can one be two you might ask? What if one was never there and just another side..another person ?
I was poisoned with slaugh blood and Frost is that side of me when I am angry....and i have been that for so long I forgot about me. The remembrance he does kept me alive. If Frost comes back…. and he will....he'll not be happy with you, but he will have to deal with that......he laughs the dark laugh of the unseelie as he looked to you...he was a beautiful monster.....One day I will tell you of our exile. You would be most....something when you hear it.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen's eyes remained on yours, fascinated, as they turned cold and steely....for she knew she was observing the second self of Frost, or rather ....the first one, the original, and thus, perhaps the true Frost, he whom she had seen all those many times in Frost the Warrior's eyes.......she knew, oh so well, that ye were one and the same, different facets, perhaps of the same person...the same, and yet not......*I've seen you, ye know...* her voice was soft, unexpectedly so...*seen you, so many times, in Frost's eyes.....and wanted to know you, for so long now....* Feawen smiled now, it curving over ruby lips, rising to warm the silvery color of her eyes as she looked at you..... Frost will nae like it, I know him well...but then, as I am yours, I am his as well, it will always be so....for it is both of you, whom I love, or is the one of you who is both, whom I love......* The Sidhe paused now, a look of surprise flitting through her eyes as she realizes what she has said....she loves.....never once has she said that, in over a thousand years of wandering.......
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he saw what be in your was a shock to him ..he has known love once...made him weak but he enjoyed, but that same weakness made him more dangerous and cunning to protect that love....thus the Frost was born of her death and betrayal of others....he looked to you looking at him...with in his eyes was a hurt that can never be it had to remake it self....he listened to all you said and he took it into him and he smiled to you....he only ever loved one and would just mate with another....maybe....this one;s heart is nae frozen so it could be more but to know love once more could make me into the one no one will ever be able to near again......he nods to your words......True. You are mine and his, but know that if you betray one of betray both of us. This can be bad for you Feawen. My torturing skills are grand and beyond reproach. I have been betrayed before and that is the worst wound for a fey...shows disrespect and if that happens.......his eyes glow red as he looked to you.......I will not hesitate to kill you......and your friends. I nae think you have many so me getting over your betrayal would be swift......he then smiles and his eyes return to the pools of blue from before.....So now that that is done, how are you feeling this day?.......his voice was just pleasant now......
(07/02/09 - 13:03:04)
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Sidhe's eyes, still locked on yours as you spoke, grew hot with rage at the affront your words carried.......*Dinna speak to me of betrayal.......I am Sidhe, I am Feawen....and I do....not.....betray. Ye need not threaten me, for you will NEVER be able to hold me by fear....* The small chin jutted out, raised high....*I have given myself, and that should be enough for you to know. No other will exist for me.....and* The quiet voice hissed over Feawen's soft lips, rippling through the glade..... *And...I am aware of who you are, and choice was made in that knowledge....and, now THAT is done ..... I am well this day, thank you.* Feawen stood there, still close, eyes alight with fire, for she was ablaze.... no not one of the fire fae, but the fire of strength and emotion.....
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he knew you were unseelie and he wondered why in the stars this upset you....if you had been seelie okay, but you were not and he knew that and he shook his head...unlike you at times he knew held his tongue if he needed or wanted to know something.......Did I upset you again? Wow we are on such a great start aren't we......and with that he laughed....he knew you and he knew you would be true...but he had to warn you..that was him being seelie like....he shook his head to you and he invaded your space once again, but you were his and this was his space as well now....he looked to your fiery eyes and his were like crashing waves along the beach...he stood tall before you...proud and Majestic....a grin would play on his face...unlike Frost he claimed his unseelieness and he loved being had to learn as well...needed to if you were to survive being with him......Calm yourself woman. You know how the unseelie and I being them. The warning was very seelie of me I think in the stead of killing you while you slept. I wanted you to know.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen did not step back again, but let you close, a grin curling over the red lips as you spoke of the Unseelie...aye, she grew less Seelie every day, thanks to Frost, but at times still, her reactions were still those she had learned at her mother's knee.....and suddenly, a laugh rang out, and the fire in her eyes subsided, revealing a sweet soft silver that few if any ever saw....and Feawen reached to take your hand, raising it to her cheek for the space of a single heartbeat before brushing it with a kiss...a symbol...
Aerandir Elaness뇇
--== The Pond in Nymphs Grove (Forest of Tír Na nÓg) ==--
~ Is in the crystal clear pond, in the Nymphs Grove in The Land of Young ~
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he grins as he sees you come around to his thinking and he lets his hand be taken and he smiles and he wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer and he kissed your lips deeply....his pale white hair showering over you as he had o lean in for the kiss.....he break the kiss his now dark pools looked to you......Enough talk of betrayal and such...just let us be.....he nods and he walks you over to the pond where he was once before sensing you........Let us enjoy the day and our new found status in life, shall we.....all in all he was surprised you nae asked his name....that window was not closed....he smiles as we walked to the pond......
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen thought of nothing at all as the kiss carried her away.....but then as they walked to the pond together, she blinked...that word, was so strange, so alien to her, and yet felt so comfortable now.......and then, the bane flowered, it did, and the Sidhe looked up at you, eyes still soft and open, as they were not for others....and simply let the question out....*What is your true name? You know mine, after all .....or Frost does.....*.
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he grins as you think of it now......I know of you and your true name.....with it comes know mine is is to know death. Remember the nightfliers are here and them..for them to hear my name would cause a great unrest as their fears would be true and hers. So for now I will not say it or yours...for it be the name of another who was in service to the bitch queen of the unseelie. Be patient and my name will come to you.....he nodded sagely and he walked to the edge of the pond and he looked to you and then to the pond.....The beauty of this place pales in comparison to yours Feawen, but I think you knew that already.....he grins and winks to you as he looked back to the water.
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The windservant that curled and whispered at her feet stirred, whining at your mention of the flyers, and an eldritch light came into the Feawen's eyes, the sounds of snapping bones in her mind....and then, watching you as you looked to the water, the Sidhe saw how much you loved it.....this was something she had never seen in Frost, and an idea came to her.....*You would like Kalina, she lives in this water somewhere...a Niaid, she is.....Frost has met her....
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he nods softly to you.....I know of this Kalina.....she is of the water and thus a kin in spirit......he looked to you and he backed up and he looked over your form..taking in everything about you and he grins and he looked to you still as his hand extended out over the water and he moved it fluidly over said water and his hand then came to be in front of you and the water washed over you and then his hand back out over the water and it were left as you were and nae water left upon your form...he motioned for you to look to the you do you would see yourself but as water made life..was your exact double in form but just looked of water............Aye...she be a water nymph...a lady of the lake....parton of the pond.......he grins as he looked to you and judges your reaction to what he just did......
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen stands motionless as your eyes slide over her form, and then as the water rains down over her, gasps.....but your hand moves almost casually and the water is gone again, and she turns to watch it as it fades away, back into the pond....but what was this? The Sidhe gasps again, an involuntary sound of surprise, as she sees what looks to be herself, dancing on the surface of the pond......Feawen looks back at you, laughing with pleasure, for she has never seen anything like that was another facet of you, this playfulness, and the Feawen stepped close again, hugging you in sheer delight....*Thank you, that was....amazing, Frost....* and, I'm still dry.. another laugh, this one warming the glade...
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen does something now, cupping her palm for a moment, a small handful of glamour held within, and then, an incantation, soft words whispered, and the dainty hand glows golden for just a moment.....and then, she raises it to her lips and opens it, a little ball of golden light quivers on the flattened palm.....Feawen blow it away, a few more words whispered, and the ball leaps to the center of the glade before spinning and elongating ...and there stands a copy of Frost! The Sidhe turns silvery eyes to you, laughing.....*I wish I could do that with water, Frost...Oh, the things I'd make....*
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he looked to you and he smiles at you and he knew you nae ever expected this, but this was not for play but plans later down the line, but you nae needed to know that as of yet...he would just enjoy the time with you and he would smiles to you and nod.......Why would you get wet? Not unless I deemed it so.....he grins and he laughs darkly and he looked to you......I will show you a great many things that Frost could not....many things he could never.......he grins and winked to you and looked to wha tyou did and he smiles with a laugh not dark this time but excited in your magic..he looked to him and he went by it and stood next to it and looked back to you.....There should always be more of me around. World be a grand place.....his arrogance ever greater than before...he laughs as he moved next to you once more and he nods....Maybe one day you will do such my lil healer....he grins and he brushed his lips top yours once more....he then took the feawen of water and draped it over us...this time we were both soaked...he laughs.....
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... The Feawen laughs aloud, delighted in your arrogance, and happy that she has pleased you with her glamour.........and then you were at her side once again , dumping a cold bath of water over them both..... Feawen sputters, about to storm, but sees that you are as wet as she, and just laughs, the sound rilling over the glen, making everything seem greener and more alive....*And Frost?* a sly smile curls over soft lips...*I think one of you is just enough...* ....Another laugh, and the Sidhe moves close, curling against your wet form...
‡‡Aerandir Elaness뇇
: says to °°Fëawen Táralóm °°U:.... he grins and he held you close hearing your laugh and he smiles with light chuckles that carry along the evening air....he looked to you and he heard what you said and he laughs......, of me is never enough......he laughs and he removed his clothing.....more comfort and freedom...he looked to you.......I have not laughed like that since....since the great break in the know that to be at least 2500 years ago........I had so much fun that day. Poor seelie bastards never knew what hit them........he grins and he looked to you as he sat by the tree.....Come on over. I nae bite....hard........he laughs....
°°Fëawen Táralóm °°
: says to †Mesnée d'Hellequin†:.... Feawen nodded and came to you, a bit hesitant, then sat down beside you where you sat with your back to the tree...she sat close, touching you along one side of her body, looking at you was not the bite she was thinking about, however, but the great break, and she wondered how old in fact ye really were, although your age was not of interest to her as it was a concept that all fae didn't quite grasp, they as a race, and many individuals among them, were so old that time had disappeared into the mists and lost its meaning, if it had ever had any....but she knew that the great break had happened before her birth, and this idea fascinated her, as ye didn't look of a great age at all.....and then, your eyes caught hers, and she peered into you, and much time, so much past.....and reaches out to lay a slender palm against you as she looked....there was a merging now, strange to her, as usually the Feawen did the looking...but ye were looking back, and learning of her too, she could hide nothing from you, nor did she want to....odd, for the way of the Fae was to dissemble.... ......