Mistress of Pixels
Don't make me bitch!
Posts: 5
Post by dotlady on May 18, 2009 6:27:00 GMT 1
Oki so we going to have this ball, what will that be about.. fill up with ideas in this thread so we got something to work on
So far that actually have been desided: * The mist of Annwfn is pulled back [the room will be visble for the who chat X weeks] * A ball is to be held * Theme is of course Midsummers night dream's + fa'aeish * Dot is fixin the invitation flyer
What more shall we fill this time with? [this is all new to me] but I can see av auctions, some sort of contest [DotLady told me on msn]
What time should we have it? I been thinking that it would be best to have it right after rt midsummer. then keep it open for a week or two [better two than one perhaps] with this we can cover all timezones, plus we give chance to ppl to actually notic the fa'ae world. Will ye guys be able to be around in different times? [like mine evings] I know we have 6hrs between.. and I will of course try to set my alarm as always.. but ye know me.. been very tired lately.
(As Posted by Ardhel.)
I was thinking we get our supporters in on this and then us admins make a final decision.
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Annwfn | RC
Posts: 205
Post by Faie on May 26, 2009 14:26:20 GMT 1
As time grow closer I have a few suggestions, please tell what ye guys thinks:
* Friday the 12th Jun @ 21.00 usa time, Annwfn appears with a grand midsummer ball - - The bon fires are lighted up bu Afallons Priestess [21.00] - - The fa'ae Court with enturage welcomes everyone and proclaim the ball open [21.15] - - Gifts are given to the land, Goddess and Gods [21.30] - - through out the night different events, like Poi show, dances etc happens.
* Saturday the 13th Jun @ 19.00 usa time, AV auction [general medival theme] * From 15th to 21th Jun the room is still visble [events but what sorts?] - - Wendsday 17th Jun @ 17.00 usa time, Storytelling [think of different chars telling stories around the camp fire] * Saturday 20th jun @ 18.00 usa time Masquare ball and the end of the midsummer feasts - - teh char try to guess who is who [Perhaps Qris and CC would lend a prize like a months membership?] * Around the 3rd or 10th July the mist embrace Annwfn and it vanish from teh eyes of man.
What ye guys think? there is about 2 weeks left till the date [is start o get hurry hurry lol], come with comments and ideas how to setup time and dates. What kind of events can be done through the week that will inspire players to rp, and have fun?
Music in the trees, Stories on the wind...
Posts: 5
Post by Aspen on May 26, 2009 18:37:56 GMT 1
I'm curious as to the USA time as there is more than one time zone in the US...
Event ideas, I like what you have so far. You might do some games, like your guess the chara, but doing say, a scavenger hunt. Have certain items that the players should find. It means more work for you as you'll have to do story teller sort of things to get them to it. Wandering around differnet areas of the realm if they want to search a room they need to roll a d20 and if they get a certain number it will say what item/if they find an item, or something along those lines?
Just an idea, if you hate it you won't hurt my feelings by saying so *smiles* I'm not easy to upset usually
Illustrious Leader
Annwfn | RC
Posts: 205
Post by Faie on May 26, 2009 18:51:06 GMT 1
I'm curious as to the USA time as there is more than one time zone in the US... Event ideas, I like what you have so far. You might do some games, like your guess the chara, but doing say, a scavenger hunt. Have certain items that the players should find. It means more work for you as you'll have to do story teller sort of things to get them to it. Wandering around differnet areas of the realm if they want to search a room they need to roll a d20 and if they get a certain number it will say what item/if they find an item, or something along those lines? Just an idea, if you hate it you won't hurt my feelings by saying so *smiles* I'm not easy to upset usually aye ye guys got like four zones? hmm when I thougth about the time I was thinking on the east time as I have counted from my time and 6hrs back, say if it 21.00 in use means it 03.00 in the morning for me.. But please comments comments.. what would be the best time? I mean I have been setting alarms [my time around 4-5 in the mornings] before just to catch ye people.
About the search idea, that was a brilliant idea to have someone rolle a D20 is good, its easy but still open for role-play and storytelling *S* Do ye have any experience on that and would like to share?
[oh and there are nae bad ideas.. just hard to find thus that most ppl will find fun and still keep up the theme, fun and creat ooc smiles ]
Music in the trees, Stories on the wind...
Posts: 5
Post by Aspen on May 27, 2009 0:00:17 GMT 1
*chuckles softly* I'm afraid I have no experience in this type of scavenger hunt. What I have done is a clue scavenger hunt, it gives a small riddle for what room something might be hidden in and the first person to get it got the point. Whoever got the most points won.
What I was thinking for this one though was maybe do the clues like that, but have a list of clues you whisper to people or give out loud that they go and try to find. Whoever is in charge will have chosen maybe five numbers and when you get one of the numbers you 'find' the object. You get three tries on one object.
Time zone, I'm in Pacific, the furthest west time zone in the states. I'm 8 hours behind the uk time zone *nods* Times, about 7 in my evenings is when I can get on without interruption.
Music in the trees, Stories on the wind...
Posts: 5
Post by Aspen on May 27, 2009 18:37:27 GMT 1
I've got it! A singing compition!
Now, I know this sounds hard but it can be really easy *nods* We're all writers of some sort here, so how about those of us who are poets as well get our minds together and start a poem! Have one person do a line and then pass it on to the next person. After giving them all the same topic to work with and spin their creativity around it. If there's a lot of people perhaps break them into a couple of different groups, saving the results and putting them here. This can go on for a long time or a short time, you might end up doing one or two if people get stuck.
You might add a twist and make the end of their line rhym with the last one, or at least one word rhym...I've not thought on it much but when I do I can write up more. And as always you can make your own adjustments as I have no idea if this will even work ^^
Illustrious Leader
Annwfn | RC
Posts: 205
Post by Faie on May 27, 2009 22:48:14 GMT 1
That is a great idea.. I really like it. bleeh its nae my lucky night/morning I was going to add about the twst on such game.. we could give them nae only a theme, a word to spin on. But also give a word that has to be in the ending
Post by chaos on Jun 21, 2009 17:55:43 GMT 1
So since its past the 20th....Is it time for the masquerade? I could possibly get some people to join...Ive been working on at least one..Maybe two people...Just depends..I like this site and i think a ball of somekind would be great fun!
Illustrious Leader
Annwfn | RC
Posts: 205
Post by Faie on Jun 21, 2009 19:09:28 GMT 1